Publisher: The MIT Press
Originally published on: 2017
Number of pages: 440
Hamlet on the Holodeck, updated edition: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace

This is a landmark work in the field of digital storytelling, exploring the potential of new technologies to create interactive narratives that are more immersive and engaging than traditional forms of storytelling.
The book is divided into three parts
The Space of Cyberspace explores the nature of cyberspace and its potential for storytelling. Murray argues that cyberspace is a new kind of space, one that is not limited by the physical world. This allows for new possibilities for storytelling, such as stories that can be experienced from multiple perspectives or stories that can be changed by the user’s actions.
The Forms of Cyberspace examines the different forms that interactive narratives can take. Murray identifies four basic forms of interactive narrative:
- Games: Games are interactive narratives that are structured around competition and rules.
- Virtual worlds: Virtual worlds are interactive narratives that allow users to explore a simulated environment.
- Dramatic simulations: Dramatic simulations are interactive narratives that allow users to experience a story from the inside.
- Interactive fiction: Interactive fiction is a genre of literature that allows users to make choices that affect the outcome of the story.
The Future of Cyberspace considers the future of interactive narrative. Murray argues that interactive narrative is still in its early stages, but that it has the potential to revolutionize storytelling. She predicts that interactive narratives will become increasingly immersive and engaging, and that they will eventually become the dominant form of storytelling.